Rangshikhar Goempa is 11km up hill drive by car from Trashigang Pam. Rangshikhar Goempa was founded by Togden Jigme Chogyal Rinpoche who is popularly known as Rangshikhar Rinpoche to most Bhutanese people.
He was born in the year 1936 and he mastered all necessary Buddhist doctrines from various learned masters. He is a humble person and great meditation master. His simplicity and his urge to help sentient beings are still very young at heart. He has many followers and devotees all over Bhutan and especially in eastern regions. He is well known for displaying miracles and healing the sick. Many followers get initiations and empowerment from Rinpoche. He also guides his disciples in respectful ways. He is not seen angry and agitated at any instant of time. At Goempa Rinpoche has constructed a huge Buddha statue and other statues which tell the story of. After conscretation of the statues, a holy water has started to flow from the base of the alleviated Statues. It is one sign of his true nature in helping the sentient beings.