Khoma Village
According to the history, while Guru Rinpoche was meditating at Singye Dzong, the deity of the Tshokar and Tshonag promised to remain as protective deity. However, the deity of the Tshonag Drakpa Gyeltsen, breaking his promise, came down along the Khomachu transformed into a big serpent. The deity rode on a black yak and almost reached present day Sumpa area. Guru Rinpoche knew about it and hastily arrived at Sumpa before the deity reached. The unfaithful deity, knowing that Guru had arrived before him, hid himself in the cave below Khoma village. Guru knew that the deity would harm the people if it was left un-subdued. So he meditated in the cave above the present day Khoma village for six months without the knowledge of anyone. Thus the name of the cave came to be known as Sang Wai Da Druk, the secret cave of six months. Guru also meditated in the cave below the village; hid many treasures that were to be discovered by Tertonpas like Ratna Lingpa who discovered a Phurpa, a ritual dagger. While Guru was meditating at Sang Wai Drak, a girl blessed with signs of celestial beings saw an Acharya. She had nothing to offer him as gift to visit the Acharya thereof. So she visited the next day with three bottles of milk. Guru Rinpoche Sangwaidrak in Khoma was pleased to see her for she possessed the qualities of Khandom. (I got a girl I needed)”, Guru said. From that incident, the village was said to be named Khomo. But according to Khenpo Phuentshok Tashi (2004), Khandro Yeshey Tshogyal was meditating in the cave above present day Khoma village as directed and prophesized by Guru Rinpoche. One day, Moenmo Tashi Khedon, the daughter of local king famously known as Khoma Gyelpo, was herding the cattle. She met with Khandro Yeshey Tshogyal who saw that Tashi Khedon also was a Khandroms (women with qualities of celestial beings). Yeshey Tshogyal then became affectionate of her who would offer her with milk and honey. Later, Khandro Yeshey Tshogyal offered Tashi Khedon to Guru Rinpoche who said, “I got a girl I needed” means needed and Mo means a girl. Since then the place came to be known as Khomo. However, with the passage of time, the pronunciation got deteriorated and it came to be known as Khoma. The place where Guru and Khandro Yeshey Tshogyal meditated came to be known as Sangwai Drak or Sangwai Dadrug. Sangwai Dadrug is the popular term addressed to the sacred place today. It was called Sangwai Drak (the secret place under the cave) as Guru and Khandro
Yeshey Tshogyal were meditating there without the knowledge of anyone of the local people. The people of Khoma still believe that at least a girl gifted with signs of Khandom will continually be born in Khoma village owing to the account. Today, Khoma Village is well known for producing a beautifully intricate patterned textile – Kishu Thara. Kishu Thara is being worn by the woman in Bhutan. It is worn specially during the special occasion; celebration or events. Khoma Village is clustered village.