Drupthop Lhakhang
Drubthob Lhakhang is located along the Chazam towards Tashiyangtse. The Lhakhang is associated with the history of Drubthob Thangtong Gyelpo also known as Drupthop Chagzampa. Drupthob Thangtong Gyelpo was a great Tibetan yogi, physician, blacksmith, architect and a pioneering civil engineer who lived in 14 th century. Drupthop Thangthong Gyelpo had built many structures like temples and Dzongs across Bhutan and Drupthop Lhakhang is one among many. Chakzam or the iron suspension bridge that existed from Lhakhang towards the other side of the Drangmaechu river bank in olden days. This was one of the works of great yogi besides other iron suspension bridges and Lhakhangs built in Bhutan. Though the Lhakhang looks old, but it still holds the values, blessing as in older time period. It is single structure with two storied and just below the Dzong is Drangmae Chu River. Trashigang Dzong also has a Lhakhang dedicated the Drupthop Thangtong Gyelpo. Around 100 meters above Drupthop Lhakhang is the ruin of Tadzong or watch tower that has been used for the purpose of guarding Trashigang Dzong in olden days. Record shows that as
one of the four mini dzongs.